Чем занимаются веб-аналитики и что такое веб-аналитика

Сквозная аналитика

Проследить путь клиента, от клика по рекламному баннеру до покупки

Комплексная аналитика

Отвечает за сбор и анализ статистических данных

Базовые сервисы

Система веб-аналитики Яндекса и Google Analytics

Преимущества веб-аналитики

Бизнес в современном мире неразрывно связан с цифрами: количество клиентов, объемы продаж, уровень прибыли. Веб-аналитика в маркетинге играет crucial роль в понимании и улучшении этих показателей, используя данные из интернет-рекламы, веб-сайтов и социальных сетей.

Аналитика важна для любого бизнеса, который стремится достичь успеха в онлайн среде. Без аналитики невозможно понимать, как пользователи взаимодействуют с вашим сайтом, какие страницы наиболее популярны, какие товары или услуги наиболее востребованы, и многое другое.

Explore Our Services.

Software & Hi-Tech

The winners of tomorrow’s digital age are transforming today. Learn how we are enabling transformation for our clients.

Every day the world shifts more towards new digital media and interactive experiences. With rapidly-evolving technologies, changing consumer preferences and oftentimes competing channels, many organizations struggle with how to transform internally to meet the challenges of this new, always connected digital world. GLB can help.

We enable organizations to create engaging and consistent digital experiences across every touchpoint, providing new opportunities for growth.

Creating a better customer experience wherever and whenever.

From increasing customer acquisition rates to increasing sales, we focus on the total customer experience to ensure that it remains a competitive advantage for your company.

  • Achieve demonstrated improvements in business performance, service delivery, and customer and employee satisfaction. Transform your contact center with a change in mindset, leadership commitment, and organizational alignment.
  • Migrate from a voice-centric model to omnichannel and web-based systems. Re-channel agent knowledge and skills to address expansion and better service. Help everyone break away from constantly—and sometimes slowly—resolving the same problems for customer after customer.
  • Make it fast and easy for customers to collaborate with live agents when needed—and to escalate emergencies without delay.
  • Get the skills, guidance, and resources you need to make a big difference in your contact center operations that can lead to a big difference in the quality of your customer experience.
Retail & Distribution
  • Process Maturity Assessment

    We assess an organisation’s processes to measure their maturity level in terms of process capability and performance. We then identify potential gaps that need to be resolved as well as “Quick Wins”.

  • Process Improvement and Governance

    We redesign our customer’s processes to create value-based improvements. This is followed by quantifying the subsequent business value generated by these improvements and prioritising the implementation stages. Global.Co also helps to sustain improvements through the introduction of process governance in terms of the organisation’s guiding principles, reviews, and performance monitoring mechanisms.

  • Process and ICT Alignment

    We review the organisation’s current processes and identify new processes that are better aligned with its business objectives. After this is established, we outline functional requirements for system implementation, recommend the most appropriate solution, and develop a comprehensive business transition plan.

Explore of Our Work

View Case Study to see how our technical expertise applies across markets and service lines.

Ускорение сайта для PageSpeed architecture-construction-safety-first-career-PASWK69(1)

Ускорение сайта для PageSpeed

Following an extended period of consulting to AIFS, working closely with the internal team and gaining a deep understand
Веб аналитика web-analitika

Веб аналитика

Аналитика важна для любого бизнеса, который стремится достичь успеха в онлайн среде. Без аналитики невозможно понимать,

Talk to Us?

You have questions and we have answers. Contact us today, we’re here to help.

    You can also email us at sales@glb.theme